

On retreat, we have the opportunity to contact what is most vital and profound in ourselves and to experience a life that expresses this. Whether through study, meditation or the company of friends, a retreat is where you can take your practice deeper.

15 Nov
17 Nov
15 Nov
Open Retreat
Fathers' Retreat - Towers to Build: The Life and Teachings of Milarepa
During this weekend, we will explore Milarepa’s journey from a life of extreme unskilfulness to full spiritual realization, and we will learn how to apply Milarepa's teachings to our own lives, cultivating greater compassion, wisdom, and clarity in the process.
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22 Nov
1 Dec
22 Nov
Going For Refuge Retreat
Spiritual Friendship
Bhante founded the Triratna Buddhist Order as a network of spiritual friendship. At the time of ordination, one decisively commits to helping to create and actively participate in this network of spiritual friendship.
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7 Dec
14 Dec
7 Dec
Order Retreat
Kalyana Mitrata: The Four Tantric Rites
There is an element of magic to kalyana mitrata and to be an effective spiritual friend requires knowledge and expertise in activating and working with strong currents of spiritual energy, both in ourselves and in others.
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19 Dec
2 Jan
19 Dec
Going For Refuge Retreat
The Padmaloka Winter Retreat: 2024/25
An intensive retreat, at a potent time of year, offering a special and unique opportunity to enter into deep silence and meditation. This retreat is the pinnacle of our retreat calendar.
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